March 2022 | Page 17

Emergency beacons - EPIRBs

Emergency beacons - EPIRBs

An Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon ( EPIRB ) is a small electronic device that , when activated in an emergency , can help Search and Rescue Authorities pinpoint your position . Once activated , EPIRBs continuously send out a signal for at least 48 hours . Search and rescue authorities respond to all EPIRB activations . You must only activate an EPIRB in an emergency and you must tell Police or Rescue Authorities immediately if you no longer need help . All boats operating beyond smooth and partially smooth waters or more than 2nm from land in open waters must carry a 406MHz digital EPIRB . EPIRBs must : comply with AS / NZS 4280.1:201 and , be registered with the Australia Maritime Safety Authority ( AMSA ) Registration is free , and EPIRB ’ s must be renewed every 2 years .
AMSA must also be advised when beacon ownership or boat details change . EPIRB ’ s must not be disposed of in general waste , so they cannot be accidentally activated . Battery World stores generally disconnect and dispose of old or out of date beacons . A small fee may apply .
With all this talk of Covid19 , the people who make sanitising gel are rubbing their hands together .
Teacher : " Little Johnny , how do you spell " elephant "?" Little Johnny : " E-L-E-F-A-N-T " Teacher : " No Johnny , that in incorrect ." Johnny : " Maybe it is wrong Miss but you asked how I spell it ."
Vsheet - March 2022 17