March 2022 ASCE-NH Newsletter | Page 12

If 5 engineers can see 5 clients in 20 minutes , how many engineers will be needed to see 15 clients in 1 hour ?
Bonus Riddle : " How do you get out of a solid concrete room ?"



If 5 engineers can see 5 clients in 20 minutes , how many engineers will be needed to see 15 clients in 1 hour ?

Bonus Riddle : " How do you get out of a solid concrete room ?"

How do you get out of a solid concrete room and the only items you have in your possession are a mirror and table and the room has no windows and no doors ?
Hint : This is a riddle with no “ engineered " solution required .
Please send you answers to Thomas Selling via e-mail : thomasselling @ me . com Correct responses will be recognized in the future issues of the New Hampshire Civil Engineer .


Unfortunately , we had some technical difficulties last month and any responses to the February Cranium Challenge were lost . If you would like to be acknowledge in the next newsletter , please resubmit your response .