JANUARY 1 | Madhatter Golf Tournament 29 | Friday Night Music 29- | Prime Rib
3 | Wine Tasting 13 | Italian Night with Hardy Wine 20 | Cocktail for A Cause SPCA 26 | Prime Rib 26 | Music
MARCH 3 | Wine Tasting 17 | International Day Irish Week 24 | Burger Sliders / Beer pairing 26 | Prime Rib 26 | Music 27 | Bloody Mary Icebreaker Open
APRIL 2 | Good Friday Fish Specials 4 | Easter Brunch Buffet 7 | Wine Tasting 8 | Beer & Pizza Tasting 15 | International Dinner New Orleans 17 | Jazz Celebration 22 | Earth Day 30 | Prime Rib 30 | Music / Dinner
MAY 1 | Kentucky Derby Flights of Bourbon 5 | Cinco De Mayo 5 | Tex Mex Tequila 6 | Let ’ s Plant a Garden 9 | Mother ’ s Day Brunch 12 | Hole in One BBQ Cook-Out 13 | Members Appreciation ( 20 + Years ) 19 | Wine Tasting Lunch for Golf Ladies 20 | International Dinner 21 | Music / Dinner on the Patio 25 | Burger Sliders / Beer tasting 28 | Prime Rib 28 | Music 31 | Cook-Out at the Pool 31 | 20 Men ’ s Golf Assoc .
31 | Pool Open ’ s Party
JUNE LGA , Couples Golf Evenings 2 | Wine Tasting 4 | James Stanly Memorial 9 | Ladies Golf Luncheon 10 | Pints & Patties 11 | Annual Art Show 12 | Margaritaville Party 16 | Ladies Golf Lunch 16 | International Dinner & Wine 17 | Summer Cook-Out at the Pool 18 | Standup Comedy / Dinner 19 | Under the stars Dinner Specials 20 | Father ’ s Day Parent-Child 23 | Ladies Lunch 24 | Beer Tasting & Burgers on the Turn 25-27 | MGA , LGA , Couples Golf Evenings 25 & 26 | Men ’ s Member-Guest 25 | Prime Rib 25 | Music / Dinner on the Patio 26 | Top Your Ice Cream
JULY MGA , LGA , Couples Golf Evenings 2 | Members appreciation ( 10 + Year ) 4 | Red , White , & Blue Tournament 4 | Independence Day 7 | Wine Tasting 8 | Pints & Patties 10 | Clam Bake with Music 14 | Woman Speaker Luncheon 15 | Beer & Food Pairing 17 | Caribbean Pool Party 21 | Ladies Golf Lunch 22 | Hamburgers & Hot Dogs on the Turn 24 & 25 | Men ’ s Member-Member 28 | Ladies Golf Lunch 29 | Men ’ s Golf Lunch 30 | Prime Rib Night 30 | Music Patio 30 | SPCA Golf Tournament MGA | LGA | Couples Golf Evenings 31 | Pool party for the Kids