March 2021 | Page 65

( FACING PAGE ) MEGAN : We ’ d never used an RV before , so we make a few mistakes . One night , Alice is taking a shower and we run out of water . Her hair is full of shampoo , so we have to pour seltzer on her to get it out . Also , halfway through the trip , we realize our generator isn ’ t connected to the RV . We ’ ve been running it every night but actually getting our electricity off the RV ’ s battery . ( THIS PAGE ) MEGAN : We average about 300 miles a day and it takes eleven days to get to Portland . Have we really driven all of this way ? Once we get to my parent ’ s house , I hesitate . Our family has taken two COVID tests and avoided human contact for the entire trip , so I ’ m pretty certain we didn ’ t have the virus . Still , it ’ s the first time we ’ ve been in someone else ’ s house since March . Is it okay to hug ? �