March 2021 - Volume 6 - Issue 3 March 2021 | Page 175

the course . Rocks , water , mud , hills , it was simply a tough , tough ride , and I was getting seriously tired . Then up ahead , I saw a lot of color through the trees . As I got closer , I could see that the colors were a solid wall of people , and the trail led right up to them . Didn ’ t take me long to figure it out . We were at the Route 93 river crossing . I could not believe how many people were there . And they did not make way for approaching riders ! I literally had to elbow my way through the crowd , yelling “ Coming through ! Coming through !” I finally reached the river bank , and what I saw before me was truly a sight to behold . Hundreds and hundred of people , everywhere ! On the bank , in the river , on the far bank , lining the top of the bank , and everyone was yelling and pointing and carrying on , as there were many riders spread out all over the place , trying to cross the river and climb that infamous bank on the other side . Figuring I had no choice , I dropped into the river ( no somersault over the bars , thank goodness ), gathered as much momentum as possible through the deep , muddy water , and took aim on a rut on the exit bank , hoping it might offer a bit more traction than the smooth , slimy clay on each side . And , amazingly , other than a single dab to keep myself going in the right direction , I shot right up that bank . Pure luck , no doubt , as many , many other riders were crashing their brains out . Big loopouts were most common , along with ghost rides over the top – and that ’ s for the riders who even made it that far . Many tipped over upon entering the river and / or while crossing – mostly courtesy of the big rocks , which spectators had brought in from the surrounding countryside . And the spectators were very , very much involved . Along with the aforementioned Mud Fleas , there were simply so many people present , each vying for a good spot by which to observe the carnage , bike / spectator interaction was inevitable . Lots of people got knocked down , run over , fell in the river , jumped in the river , you name it . My wife , who was among those observing this crazy scenario , saw one lady get scooped up from behind by a bike cresting the creek bank . Yep , as successful riders crested the summit , spectators scattered in all directions . Well , in one instance this one gal ended up running in the same direction as the bike , the rider of which was not about the close the throttle until he was certain of clearing the bank . In the resulting mayhem , the front of the bike went right between this gal ’ s legs , scooped her up onto the front fender , and carried her along few a few yards . Realizing what had occurred , the rider of course chopped the throttle , resulting in the gal sliding back off the front of the
VOL . 6 ISSUE 3 - MARCH 2021 // PAGE 175