March 2021 - Volume 6 - Issue 3 March 2021 | Page 171

Getting the bike out wasn ’ t all that bad . Got ‘ er laid over , then turned sideways , and she fired right up and I was on my way once again . As we continued on , I next saw up ahead a line of trees and bushes . They edge of the bogs ? No , more like an oasis . This was a stream which crossed the bogs , evidently carrying with it soils different enough from those making up the floor of the bogs to permit the growth of conventional foliage . Riders ahead were converging on an opening in the growth . I followed , and encountered a gentle bank leading down into a hard-bottomed crossing . Bizarre ! And , standing right out there in the water was none other than Rick Sieman , editor of
Dirt Bike Magazine . I hollered out a hello . Rick hollered back , took my picture , and I was on my way .
The whole bog-experience continued for quite some distance . I ’ m not sure how far . Several miles , to be sure . Unlike where we entered into the bogs at the bottom of the mountain , there was no specific terminus at the other end , as the unusual surface just kind of petered out , and we eventually got back into the rocks and more conventional trails . We were still out in an open area however , but soon came upon a tree line . I paused prior to entering this section of woods , as there appeared to be no one , distinctive trail , indicating exactly where to
VOL . 6 ISSUE 3 - MARCH 2021 // PAGE 171