Dear friends and neighbors ,
It ’ s hard to believe the first day of spring is right around the corner ! In just a few weeks , we ’ ll start seeing flowers bloom , birds chirp and the sunshine bringing longer days . Walks through the parks and neighborhoods will require less layers with each passing week . Now that we ’ re in Phase 4 revitalization , we look forward to new beginnings . It ’ s time for everyone to refocus and refresh our mindsets . We are excited to bring you more recreational choices to play , explore , create , learn and have fun . A few things to look forward to this month include Spring Break week long activities and programs for the entire family starting March 22 , a Pot of Gold Car Scavenger Hunt on March 13 and a program on the History of St . Patrick ’ s Day on March 15 .
Health and safety guidelines are constantly evolving , but one thing remains the same : the park district is committed to providing safe recreation opportunities to our community . Be sure to follow us on social media and subscribe to our community e-newsletter for real-time updates and new information .
Judy Beck Grant Program Funds 6 Exciting Projects in 2021 Recently , we announced the six exciting projects thanks to the Judy Beck Grant program . The program was created to honor Judy Beck ’ s environmental legacy in Glenview and 32-year service as park board commissioner . The projects focus on environmental conservation , sustainability , community engagement or youth development . According to the Beck Family Foundation , all of the grant recipients were developing projects that would have inspired Judy . All of these projects will make an impact on the community . Four of the projects will directly impact our park district users : establishment of Monarch habitats at Glenview Park Golf Club , developing a sensory garden at the new Historic Wagner Farm Adventure Area which will open this spring , cultivating a Food Forest area at The Grove , and Park Center Preschool STEAM programming . Congratulations to all the recipients ! Learn more .