March 2019 AST Magazine March 2019 AST Magazine | Page 32
March 2019 - Edition 33
In 2016, KDI acquired IronKey to
become the leader in encrypted
Kingston Digital, Inc. (KDI), a
2017 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security USB solutions.
Awards Program Platinum Award
Winner for Best Data Storage Secu- IronKey and KDI are headquartered
rity Solution, is the Flash memory in Fountain Valley, California, USA.
affiliate of Kingston Technology
Company, Inc., a world leader in For more information, please visit
memory products and technology or www.kings-, or call 800-337-8410.
Keep your data safe.
(Encrypted USB Flash Drives keep your private data safe but how do they work? See how and
learn ways to make your portable storage safe and secure even if it should accidentally fall into
the wrong hands. Whether it be financial papers, personal photos, sensitive work documents or
a master plan to take over the world, it’s your private data and you should be able to keep it that