March 2019 AST Magazine March 2019 AST Magazine | Page 17
ulatory compliance, ABRA quantifies
vulnerabilities and risk, determines
the cost effectiveness of specific im-
provements, and helps prioritize
March 2019 - Edition 33
ology in Government Security by a
panel of experts at Security Today and
was presented a Platinum GOVIES in
Request a Sample Case Study here.
This in turn allows decision makers
to plan for and seek hard-to-get Assessing facilities without assess-
ing their supporting infrastruc-
ture especially when it comes to en-
The ABRA methodology was select- ergy systems is a disservice to the
ed as Best Risk Analysis Method- client and his/her constituents.
Doug Haines, accepting the award for ‘Excellence in Homeland Security’ in the 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Securi-
ty Awards Program at ISC East.