March 2018 Week 4 MONDAY | Page 4

People were made free!

He literally saved them.

They experienced SALVATION!

They were freed from the dominion of the Satanic Ruler Pharaoh

They were freed from bondage.


The lamb's blood was what the destroying angel was respecting. It was the blood of this lamb that commanded him to keep moving- DEATH had already occurred for this household. The destroyer didn't


GOOD Israelites

NICE Israelites

KIND Israeliets

LOVING Israelites

SWEET Israelites

VIRGIN Israelites



NONE of their morals were the concern. It was because of the obedience the divine plan of salvation that the destroyer PASSED THEM OVER!

They didn't make up the rule. God did. He prescribed how salvation, if they wanted it, would work and that is how His Salvation works. His terms, His way all for HIS glory!

Let us pray:

God we thank You for this AWESOME demonstration of your MIGHT! Your POWER! And Your ability to RULE & REIGN over EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING! TRULY there is none like YOU in all the earth! God today I pray that hearts began to open up to You. I pray that minds beceome sensitive to You and Your presence. Once again, stay the hand of the evil one as we welcome Your saving power, love and grace to abound to our souls. These things we ask in Jesus' name! AMEN!