March 2017 March 2017 | Page 38



Mimi Zumwalt , MD Sports Medicine Specialist


Mechanical Scraping to Stimulate H ealing

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Gua Sha is a traditional method widely used by astern sians healers to treat numerous ailments from respiratory and other functional internal organ disorders , to musculoskeletal issues such as fibromyalgia , strains ,

-12 strokes . This scraping maneuver is repeated until complete blending occurs -10 minutes later . So how does one know what part of the body will respond to Gua Sha The diagnosis of blood pooling or stasis is made by palpating touching the area s in question . Use
sprains , or other repetitive overuse chronic inj uries excluding acute
a few fingers to press down on the back or neck , for example , then
trauma . This manual technique is being utilized in the clinical setting
watch the skin turn from red to blue or purple , which slowly fade away
by medical practitioners allied health professionals at integrative
to beige white blanching reaction .
medical treatment facilities , or even at home by family members in
siatic immigrant communities .
Which areas of the body can be treated by
�ua �from China� is defined as scratch or scrape , but just with
Gua Sha ?
enough pressure so not to cause an abrasion of the skin . The specific
The upper back and neck are common places where people tend
instrument can be found from common , simple objects readily
feel soft tissue tightness or muscle spasms . These anatomical
available around the house such as a plastic
hinese soup spoon ,
parts can be aggravated by household tasks , recreational physical
lid�cap from medicinal bottles , or just a metallic coin . �ther , similar
activity or even work usage ob duties .
omplications stemming from
shaped tools are manufactured from water buffalo horn , cow bone ,
this treatment are usually minor , ranging from excessive soreness
stone , or ade . The only commonality requirement is that the edges
to bruising from overly aggressive pressing applications . �� N�T
must be rounded smooth . Sha possesses more than one meaning ,
seek out this method of treatment if a body part has been burned ,
with literal translation as a raised , red grain-sized rash or rough like
scratched , contused , broken bony fracture i . e . recent trauma has
sand sharkskin by look ND
feel . The single word of description
occurred and or the skin still has visible open wounds
In this case ,
includes both the stagnant blood stasis then once released , causes
Gua Sha may still be performed carefully , close to but not directly on
reddish dots on the body surface , which then quickly changing fading
the already traumatized areas , to aid in mobilizing tissue and moving
to a bluish hue .
stagnant pooling of blood .
What does Gua Sha actually entail ?
What does research say about the physiology
In essence , the specific techni�ue involves using a curved�smooth
behind this manual method of treating musculoskeletal
edged , fairly rigid obj ect to apply pressure in one direction over and
ailments ?
over not back and forth , called stroking or making stroke lines
Scientists in urope and sia have performed perfusion studies ,
-6 inches in length next to one another , over a pre-lubricated region
which found that �ua Sha stimulates blood flow on the skin surface
of skin until it ’ s completely covered by blemishes usually requires
times more than normal lasting for -10 minutes . The enhanced
Natural Muscle Magazine
March 2017
level of perfused tissue then stays fairly high for close to ½ hour . This change in increased microcirculation rates , though limited to the geographic area treated , the resulting pain relief actually extends further beyond that region of the body ! A dditionally , study subj ects felt less symptoms 2-3 days post treatment , even though perfusion already dropped back to baseline levels . This sustainment of circulatory increase in both �uantity and length of time of blood flowing through the skin , exceeds that of soft tissue massage , cupping , or even acupuncture . In our Western world , the medical literature documents a mechanical techni�ue similar to and modified from �ua Sha named “ IA STM ” -instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization , where tiny red spots are intentionally raised by pricking the skin with a sharp , fine-tip needle . This induces inflammation , which then stimulates the body to proliferate and form healing tissue .
In short , it appears that this type of “ reflex ” mechanistic therapy can be useful in the clinical setting , to help manage discomfort which is recurring ( waxes and wanes ) , from certain physical activity causing muscle aches and pain in different areas of the body . B e careful , however , not to undergo Gua Sha if you ’ ve been inj ured , unless it ’ s done in adj acent , surrounding tissues . J ust as Goldie Locks asking for her soup : the pressure applied has to be “ j ust right ” , not too soft and not too hard . This way , you can feel better longer with less symptoms , allowing you to heal up and return to your athletic or other normal activities of life !