March 2017 March 2017 | Página 34



B y : A li Ludovici
A t the elite level , the skill and talent differences between the athletes is marginal . What sets the winners apart from the losers , the players from the champions , is mindset . Who truly believes they can win , will win , and whoever has that glimmer of doubt probably will not . F ailure and success are a choice - a choice you have complete control over .
eveloping a champion mindset is possible for everyone . There are a few key elements of an elite mindset : a strong why , a growth perspective , positive views on failure , willingness for the mundane , intelligent goal setting and incredible self-belief . While this article is discussing mindset within the realm of athletics , the same tactics can be used to generate greatness in any area of life . You ’ ll notice that many world-class athletes are also successful in multiple arenas outside athletics . If you are happy with the results you ’ ve been getting and have no interest in becoming elite , stop right here , but if you want to uncover your own greatness , read on to discover how you can harness your mind to succeed at anything you desire .
A s Simon Sinek famously says , “ start with why ” . What separates great people apart from the mediocre is they have a very clear and meaningful purpose behind their actions . When you are driven by a strong why , you are relentless in your pursuits , less likely to be deterred by setbacks and more likely to persevere and go to greater lengths to succeed . Why do you want to achieve your particular goals ? The deeper you dig , the more powerful your why and the more likely your success .
There are two types of mindset� fixed and growth . A fixed mindset believes whatever talent you are born with is what you have ; only minimal development is possible . Those with a growth mindset are able to see their skills and talents as something that can be developed and failure as a learning opportunity . C hampions see the value in hard work and don ’ t put much stock in natural talent .
It ’ s important to have big goals to keep you inspired and make you reach , however , when a goal is too big , or too far away , it can be difficult to stay motivated and committed to the every-day tasks required to succeed . B reaking down a larger goal into smaller , achievable milestones allows an athlete to achieve small wins that help to build their confidence and maintain their motivation to continue to strive towards their ultimate goal .
Winning gold at the �lympics is glamorous and thrilling� going to the gym every day and training for hours through fatigue and inj ury is not . Neither is repeating the same drills thousands of times until they become automatic , or turning down social invitations to go to practice . The athletes that become great champions are willing to make commitments to the mundane . They are focused on their goal of greatness and are not deterred by boredom . In fact great athletes find new and inventive ways to stay motivated and interested in their training . P racticing what you are good at and you enj oy is easy , but champions commit to practicing what they hate and skills they need to improve .
To a champion , failure is information , an opportunity to learn and become better . The only true failure , is not giving your ultimate effort every time you practice and perform . C hampions are strengthened by their failures . When situations become tough or they are put in a challenging situation , they become more determined to succeed . They are able to realize that the situation is not the problem , only their reaction to the situation .
B eing the best is not for the weak . C hampions are willing to endure anything to achieve their goals . They push through physical pain and train when they are exhausted . They train when they don ’ t feel like it and when they do . C hampions are willing to endure setbacks , challenges and hardships . They are undeterred by coaching issues , sports politics , or unexpected obstacles . No matter what they face , champions find the fortitude to keep giving their best effort .
Time and again , we see people going to the gym , training incredibly hard and with immense determination , only to have them quit in a few months . They become deterred , because they were unrealistic with what is achievable in the short term and weren ’ t invested in the long game . It takes years to become a champion ; years of dedication , hard work , commitment and challenges . True champions know they are playing a long game and they are willing to commit for the duration .
While anyone and everyone can be an athlete , only those with a formidable mindset will become champions . Using these mindset hacks , you can strengthen your own mindset and develop a growth oriented mindset to achieve greatness in your chosen athletics , or any other goal in your life . It ’ s not a matter of can you , but will you .
34 Natural Muscle Magazine March 2017