unexpected events , conversations , and interactions arise which could easily send our best laid plans into a tailspin . This is to be expected . H owever , it is not what happens to throw us off that we should focus on , as much as how we will react to it . It is our reaction and subsequent actions that determine our success for the day . What we focus on is where our energy and thoughts go . It is very easy when things don ’ t go our way , or the way we planned to readily give that up as our excuse why X , Y , and Z didn ’ t happen that day . H owever , if we shift our focus to know that we are stronger than those unexpected events and begin to look at what we can still do that day with whatever time or resources we have , we find we can accomplish something each day . In our minds , the conversation needs to shift from , “ I couldn ’ t do X , Y or Z because this happened ,” to “ eventhough this happened today , I can still get in X , Y , or Z .” This shift empowers us by putting events in perspective and also giving ourselves permission to move forward . K eeping it simple means doing what you can , with what you have , and starting where you are . E ach day , focus on what you can do now and then do it . Sounds simple , but it takes practice . B y committing to an action every day , it starts to build into a routine . In addition , do the things you can do with your full effort to be sure you are getting the most out of that time and activity . A ll too often we see people “ doing cardio ” while talking on their phone or “ lifting weights ” by simply using a weight that is not providing nearly enough resistance and counting to 15 before putting the weight down . That is neither efficient or an effective use of time and energy . B e sure you are focused on what you are doing and not simply going through the motions because of all of the things you cannot do right now .
In the first habit , I suggest writing down your goal and why you want to accomplish that goal . Writing down your goals and plans gives you a visual and immediate reminder of what you are doing , why you are doing it and what you will do next . It also provides a level of self-accountability . When you write out our plans and actions for the week ahead of time , you have then made a commitment to do those things . No one will hold you to them except you . eview those plans each day and be sure to do what you said you would . Likewise , preview your plans for the next day the night before so that you are prepared and able to focus your thoughts on what you will do the next day .
�ne final habit to incorporate in to your daily schedule starting today is building upon what went well and evaluating which areas still need work . The idea is to start with one practical strategy that you can incorporate into your daily life right now . �nce you have consistently build that in to your routine , then add another strategy that will move you towards your goal . This is an ongoing process . If you made it to the gym today , then schedule the next workout this week . If your goal is to do 3 workouts this week , you now only have 2 more to go . When will you get in the next one ? Schedule it . Write it down and block off that time so you are sure to get it in . If you have been able to plan and prepare one healthy meal consistently , now work to prepare 2 healthy meals into your day every day . This type of thinking and positive momentum may seem like a small tactic , but it will lead to greater results in the long term .
With each small habit you successfully build into your current routine , you are laying the groundwork to build upon these and reach even higher goals . With each action you are proving to yourself that you can do it and once you have proven that , you know you can do more . �ach success adds confidence and that is a tremendous bi-product of success . K nowing you can do something and proving to yourself that you can do it , will allow to set more goals , greater goals , knowing you have what it takes to accomplish them , no matter what challenges lie in between .
J enniffer Merida photo , C H IC A P hotography .
F eel free to catch up with me online on F acebook at www . facebook . com / frankgigantenaturalpro . If you want to talk more about building habits and accomplishing goals , I encourage you to email me at : frankgigantenaturalpro @ gmail . com . If you want even more hands on help or detailed plans check out my online coaching site www . naturalprofitnesscoaching . com and let ’ s work closely together to keep you on track and moving forward throughout this year . www . NaturalMuscle . net 15