March 2014 Alive Outreach Magazine | Page 8

PHOTOGRAPHER’S CORNER Enjoy taking pictures? Want to learn how to take better ones? I am so thankful for the camera on my iphone! Truly without it I would have no photos of my children! Some photos are just uninspired snaps, but others are some of my most cherished photos ever taken! Since we all carry our phones around with us, we have no excuses why we do not take more photos, of your kids or anything else that may interest you (yes even for facebook updates, those are important too!). I want to share with you today a tip on how to make the snapshots you take with your phone look even better! If you have any photography questions email them to me and I’d be happy to try to answer in upcoming issues [email protected] SEE THE LIGHT First of all, you need to find good light. What is the difference between good light and bad light? Good light comes from the side(this is found in shade, or inside a house when you stand close to a window). Bad light is light that is that harsh light found directly overhead especially between 11-2 during the warmer months. When you take a photo outside and the sun is right above you, IMPORTANT 7 it hits our eyebrows and creates unflattering shadows under our eyes. It also makes the subject have two black holes for eyes. Not very flattering. The most important part about a photo of a person is their eyes! Sometimes you may need to turn your subject around. It will go from a blah photo to an oh yeah photo! Make sure your subject is not standing in full mid day sun! Look for some shade and move them into it. Make sure you can see their eyes! ALIVE OUTREACH MAGAZINE |