Maranatha Christian Academy Typical Course of Study | Page 2
MCA | 2012
From pre-kindergarten to the senior year, Maranatha Christian Academy’s
curriculum is designed to immerse students in an academically excellent,
Christ-centered college preparatory environment. Whatever the subject,
the top priority for student learning is understanding and mastery within a
Christian worldview.
MCA continually updates its instructional approaches, curriculum content,
and technology to support learning based on the finest research, standards
measurement, and rigorous accreditation requirements. An experienced and
professional teaching faculty, 40% of whom have graduate degrees, are committed to bringing the highest quality instruction as they prepare students for
Christian leadership in the 21st century. Curriculum is well-planned and organized using creative and innovative strategies that support, challenge, and
link current learning to previous learning.
One of Maranatha Christian Academy’s core values is to partner with parents. This Typical Course of Study document is designed to provide parents
with the ability to understand the progression of the curriculum from threeyear-old early education to commencement. From vertical alignment with
the mission, to grade level specifics, this document is designed to inform and
empower you as a parent as you steward the life of your child.
In His service,
Brian J. Sullivan
Chief Administrator