Manufacturing and Engineering Magazine Volume 425 - January 2016 | Page 38
Responsible for some 85% of the UK pump market as well as representing the sector's export
interests, the British Pump Manufacturers'
Association (BPMA) has a key role to play when
it comes to increasing visibility for those in the
sector, and is providing the expert knowledge
and competitive edge its members needs to
ensure their future prosperity and sustained
Now approaching its 75th anniversary, BPMA
is a not-for-profit trade association representing
the interests of UK and Irish suppliers of liquid
pumps and pumping equipment. Noting the
incredibly complex nature of the sector, membership within BPMA is available across the entire
spectrum of industry manufacturers, distributors,
importers, and repairers, going so far as to include
wholly-owned subsidiaries of foreign companies
providing they have an investment in buildings and
plant in the UK.
With membership comes a number of distinct
advantages over like companies, particularly with
respect to the technical expertise and market
insight the association is able to impart. Regularly
conducting its own research into the sector; marking developments in technology, taking note of
new legislation regarding health and safety or
environmental compliance, and monitoring UK
and EU directives, BPMA releases a number of
reports throughout the year from which members
can make informed decisions on both their present
operations and future ambitions. Amongst guides
to securing product efficiency and the latest in
pumps systems, is the BPMA Annual Directory
and Buyers Guide in which all members appear
and can display their commitment to best practice
as well as any new developments.
Very much foregrounding the capabilities and
achievements of its members, BPMA membership
is, in and of itself, a mark of approval and one which
can be a determining factor when it comes to
becoming a preferred supplier. From its elevated
position in the sector, BPMA offers UK and EU
political, legislative and executive representation
and regularly lobbies for sector-wide change on
behalf of its members.
With the strength of such a long history and the
prolonged research it has undertaken over the
the British Pump Manufacturers