Manual Tecnico manual en ingleeess | Page 2

introduction The jukebox is a way of singing with tracks of songs following the letter of the same impression on a screen and having all the respective musical beat. It comes from the Japanese word “kara”, which means emptiness; and “oke”, Japanese abbreviation of the English word orchestra. Which means that the orchestra plays "in a emptiness", without a singer. This allows you to use it as an accompaniment to your singing The final project is create a jukebox with all the knowledge learned throughout this semester, these in turn are focused on; English, Reading, Oral and Written Expression, Geometry and trigonometry and the main one that is Submodule 1 and Submodule 2 (module; Support and maintenance in computer equipment). We were creating the jukebox from the beginning, installing the software we needed which was "PsRockola" After several weeks, we chose the design (some didn´t work like in the images) and with the help of a carpenter we could have the right structure and support where we placed the computer.