Manual de Vega Chess 2016 | Page 7
The button Set schedule enables the user to enter time and date of each round. This info, if
available, will be shown on the FIDE rating report and printed on the pairing sheet and web site as
well. To enter the schedule make a mouse right click and choose the desired action.
The Play System drop-down menu enables selection from one of eleven different pairing systems
that include: single or double-round Round-Robin (see Appendix C), FIDE Swiss Dubov (see
Appendices D and E), FIDE Swiss Lim, FIDE Swiss Dutch, FIDE Swiss Burstein, Swiss Vega (see
Appendix F) and Swiss USCF (see Appendix G), Swiss Ranked Dutch (as FIDE Dutch but the
players are ordered not by score and rating but by score and then tiebreak criteria). For a brief guide
on which Swiss system to use, see Appendix A: Frequently Asked Questions.
NOTE: Pairings for the Swiss system FIDE Dutch (Handbook FIDE C.04.3.1) is performed
thanks to the pairing engine JaVaFo © Roberto Ricca (
needs the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) at least version 5 and 32 bit (the 64 bit version will
not permit Vega to work correctly). The JRE can be downloaded from (you need to have the privilege of administrator to install it).
NOTE: Pairings for the Swiss system Burstein (Handbook FIDE C.04.3.4) is performed
thanks to the pairing engine BBP Pairing © Jeremy Bierema. In order to activate the engine
please follow the instruction
Rating used for pairing: Vega permits to select four ways to choose a rating used for pairing and
tie breaks, i.e. to assign an ID to a player.
1. National, FIDE (default) : The National rating will be
used as the principal one. If the player is unrated (Rtg Nat =
0), Vega will use his FIDE rating.
2. FIDE, National : The FIDE Rating will be used as the
principal one. If the player is unrated (Rtg FIDE = 0), Vega
will use his National rating.
3. National (neglect FIDE ) : The National rating will be
used as the principal one. In case the players have the same