Manual de Vega Chess 2016 | Page 52

The options FIDE system and Adjusted system are of course available only for a double Round Robin. In case of a rotated table the user can enter any number R between 1 and N-1, although only even numbers make sense according to the previous discussion. The balanced boards option (if checked) distributes the players uniformly among the boards. It means that each player will sit at the same board at least once and not more than twice. This task is made by Vega using standard algorithm. However for the cases with N=10, 16, 22 players no Berger table can be easily generated at request. In these cases the table can be found via a heuristic method. For the case N=10, 16 Vega uses the built-in balanced Berger table provided by the Arbiter and programmer Andrea Griffini. The table for N=22 is due to the Arbiter and programmer Roberto Ricca. 52