Manual de Vega Chess 2016 | Page 31

archive (see section 3.2 for details), while the last one is the format of the Italian Chess Federation. The option Update button is useful when the ratings have been changed and the arbiter needs to synchronize them with the newest value contained in the database. This task uses the player ID and his last name in the selected database. 2.11.4 Vesus (Vega Subscription System) Vesus is an integrated system that permits the online registration of the players and successive tournament publication. It has been realized by Santino Puleio and on the site there is a tutorial. By using Vesus the TD creates a chess event; the players register online to the tournament; then TD using Vega to download all the registered players and can publish the tournament round by round. The system at the moment is based only on the FIDE and FSI (Italian chess federation) database, but in future it will be extended to other Federation. Please contact Puleio for further information. 2.11.5 How to modify the Cross Table of late entrants or byed players. The user can award the late entrants with points (gained against the BYE) in the round in which they were absent. This procedure can be used even to modify the results against the BYE. For example, if a player enters at round 3 and the user want give him a draw in round 1 and 2: 1. Select a player in the Players Archive page. 2. Double click on the desired player. 3. Fill out all the fields and press Ok. Please note that the results inserted this way will not appear in the list of pairs. This just modifies the cross table, so this procedure should only be used in rare cases for assigning a BYE. Please note that a result of Null means the game for that round has not been played. 2.11.6 Treatment of late entrants (Swiss system only) This is for players that did not communicate their participation in the tournament and arrive after the first round has started, when player registration cannot be reopened. The late entrants are added using the Edit Player section in the Players Archive page. Their registration proceeds as that of normal players with the exception that they cannot be deleted, only modified when necessary. Vega 31