displayed with the same info.
4. Tournament statistics. This reports general statistics of the tournament to the file
tourstat.txt. It contains the number of federations, number of rated and unrated FIDE
players, titled players, etc.
5. Norm certificate IT1: saves the files fidenormID=NasX.txt (in text format) and
fidenormID=NasX.qtf (in qtf format) containing the FIDE norm certificates: N is the
player ID, and X is the sought norm (GM, IM, WGM, WIM).
WARNING: Vega performs the calculation regarding the rating and produces a detailed
report. It is responsibility of the Arbiter to check that all the FIDE requests are present in
order to validate the certificate (i.e. number of unrated, number of titled players, etc...).
6. Statistics: saves the file tourstat.txt containing useful information about the tournament.
7. Tournament certificate IT3: produces the file FIDE-IT3.qtf containing statistical information
on the tournament.
8. Import tournament in FIDE format: can import the data tournament made by
another program.
9. Player Performance Calculator: permits to performs some calculations regarding the
performance rating. (see picture below)
The user can enter the player ID and press the ENTER key to list his opponents and rating