Copy the files vega . html and vega . css from the directory pgnviewer ( inside the Vega installation directory ) in the directory pgn4web /. Take note of the server directory in which pgn4web / is and put it on the field pgn viewer in the setting window .
In the field relative path games insert the path relative to your root directory to the one containing the pgn file of your games with name < TournamentFolder > X . pgn , where X is the round . The viewer is now installed and nothing more should be done in the directory containing pgn4web .
While you observe a game , a left mouse click on square E8 opens a popup window with a board set to the current position . You can move pieces by left click of the starting and arrival square . The enabled browser , e . g . Chrome , will even show the evaluation of a chess engine .
NOTE : The pgn files should be in a dedicated folder to prevent Vega to overwrite them . Their transfer must be done with an appropriate ftp program to the desired directory .
In the box External links the user may add the links to external pages of the site , or other sections of the same event . The link and its alias should be each on a row .
The box ftp site parameters should be filled with the usual parameters to access the site in case the user want to use the embedded ftp client . The field folder will contain the www < TournamentFolder > generate by Vega .
The button Generate local site permits creation of the web content in case one or more files are missing or damaged .
Assign Players to Board : a player can occupy the same table in each round . This is done ( see next picture ) by selecting the player and the board , then pressing the button [>>]. To remove him from the assigned board select the board and press [<<].