Manual de Vega Chess 2016 | Page 19

on same points at the end of the tournament . Here is an example of this system ; suppose 4 players share the same place . The four prizes are as follows : 1st € 10.000 , 2nd € 8.000 , 3rd € 6.000 , 4th € 4.000 . We have to split € 28.000 . We split this amount in two equal parts , each of € 14.000 . The first part will be split equally and each player receives € 3.500 . The second part will be split according to the ranking after a tie-break . # 1 receives € 3.500 + € 5.000 = € 8.500 # 2 receives € 3.500 + € 4.000 = € 7.500 # 3 receives € 3.500 + € 3.000 = € 6.500 # 4 receives € 3.500 + € 2.000 = € 5.500 ( Please note that the amounts € 5.000 , 4.000 , 3.000 and 2.000 are just half of the original prizes .) Rank Teams . This saves a ranking of all teams ( players with the same Origin field ) participating in the tournament , to file rankTeams . txt . The points of a team are the sum of points of the best N players of that team . N can be defined and its default is 4 . It also shows the ranking applied individually to the first N boards . Rank Categories . This writes a ranking of players grouped by their grading categories to the file rankcat . txt . Rank Groups . This writes the ranking of a tournament set as explained in Appendix M . Upset Results : are those results in which a lower rated player win against a higher rated player . The standing is based on the rating difference ( draw count half difference ) and can be obtained for each round or for all rounds .
2.9 The “ Extras ” Menu
Items that are not self-explanatory are described below . Set Group for accelerating pairing . Please see section ‘ 2.11.9 Accelerated rounds ’ for details . Set group for multi-section tournament . Please see Appendix M for details . Make Badge . It prepares form with key words to be filled with values referring to the tournament data . The form should be in the folder / badgetemplate in the installation folder . They can be
prepared / modified by using the integrated editor in the page Output ( icon words that can be used :
## PLAYERNAME : player name ## TOURNAMENTNAME : tournament name ## RTGFIDE : FIDE rating ## RTGNAT : Rating / grade national Rating / grade ## RTG : Rating / Grade used for pairing ## PLAYERID : player ID during the tournament ## DATAB : tournament begin date ## DATAE : tournament end date ## TITLE : player title ## TOURNAMENTPLACE : place tournament ## ORIGIN : player origin ( club , province , region , …) ## COUNTRY : player federation ## IMAGE : player federation flag
). These are the key
Set memo message . Lets the TD set a remark that will be prompted at a given round . This feature is useful to take note of those players that need to be excluded / included at a given round .
Set Festival . This permits to indicate the sections of a tournament . A drop down menu will appear on the right side of the menu bar listing all the sections . The user can quickly jump among the sections selecting them . Before opening a new section the current one is automatically saved .