should be avoided in the next pairing. For example, the following picture shows a typical setting
that avoids pairs among players of the same federation up to round 9. Also prevented are pairs
among players 1, 5, 9, 10 and between players 14 and 16.
Pairing checklist: save the file checklist.txt that may be used as basis for most of Swiss
pairing systems. For each player is shown his color history, opponent history, score group, last float,
color preference. It is made by the engine JaVaFo.
Automatic: Instructs Vega to produce pairings according to the selected pairing system. In the case
of an odd number of players, depending on the pairing system, Vega automatically assigns a BYE.
The fictitious player is assigned with ID = 0 and a name of BYE. The user can exchange the colors
of a pair by a double click on the selected pair.
Manual: The user can create their own pairing and Vega will check the legality of each inserted
pair. More details about this important function can be found in section 2.9.1.
Verbose: Opens a window showing the contents of the files verboseN.txt and ScoregroupN-0.sgr.
By default, for each round N, Vega stores 3 files:
1. verboseN.txt : Contains all the steps made by VEGA to produce the final pairing, except the
color allocation task (this file is not available for Dutch Swiss system).
2. ScoregroupN-0.sgr : Contains the players distributed in the score groups before the pairing.
3. ScoregroupN-1.sgr : For Swiss Dubov pairings only, it contains the players distributed in the