Accessed by clicking the set up position
shortcut icon.The dialog is also accessed from the Edit-
>Set up position menu item. The Setup Position dialog allows you to edit an existing position or set up a
new position altogether.
The dialog shows the following information:
· The current board position of the edit
· The current side to move in the position
· The move number of the position
· The current FEN of the position at the bottom of the dialog
· On the right hand side there is a palette of chess pieces to select from
Changing the position
You can change the position in a number of ways:
· You can drag any piece to another square to move it
· You can drag any piece off the board to remove it
· You can select any piece/colour from the palette:
o then click on one or more squares to add the piece on that square
o if you click on a square which already contains that piece/colour it will be removed from the
square leaving it empty
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