Manual de HIARCS Chess Explorer 2016 | Page 59

computer is thinking. Hint This menu item requests a hint move from the computer. The hint move with be animated on the board so you can see what move the computer is suggesting. Coach This menu item allows you to toggle the coach on or off. When on the coach will warn you if it thinks your move might be a serious mistake and the coach can even alert you to the possibility that you may of missed a very strong move. View played games This menu item will open the PlayedGames PGN database in a separate database tab so you can view games you have already played against the computer. View rated users... This menu item will open the Rated users dialog where you can view the current chess ratings of players who have played games in HIARCS Chess Explorer. Search menu The Search menu allows you to perform searches on games in databases. Please note the shortcut keystroke for common operations are also defined on the menu, you can use the keyboard shortcut to invoke the associated function directly from the keyboard. You can also see shortcut icons for some menu items on the menu as a guide that there is a shortcut toolbar icon for the option. Quick search This menu item will open the Game Explorer (if necessary) and give focus to the Quick search element of the Game Explorer so you can enter quick search terms to find games. For details on what the Quick search field can do please refer to the Quick search section. Header This menu item will open the Header Search dialog so you can specify a search filter of the game header. The searching and filtering capabilities of the program are very powerful, you can read more in the Searching and filtering section. Position This menu item will open the Position search dialog where you can specify a chess position to search for. Reset filter This menu item allows you to reset the header search filter - all values previously used are cleared. The filter will now match all games in the database. Reverse filter This menu item allows you to reverse the search filter so only games not matching the original filter are matched. This can be used as part of advanced filtering as explained in the Searching and filtering section. Help menu 59 / 92