opponent. Please note a null move can also be played on the chess board simply by moving the king of
the side to play onto the opponents king.
Start comment.... - this allows you to insert a text comment before the first move of the game. It will
bring up an Edit comment dialog.
Comment... - this allows you to insert a text comment at the current move in the game notation. It will
bring up an Edit comment dialog. You can also add diagram in the Edit comment dialog.
Please note there are many other context specific items like move, evaluation and other symbols which can
be inserted by right clicking your mouse on a particular move in the Game notation.
This submenu item allows you to remove from the game notation many different aspects using the submenu
· Current variation - this option allows you to remove the current variation shown in the game notation. It
has no effect on the main line of the game, it only affects variations.
· All comments - this option will remove all the comments from the game notation.
· All variations - this option will remove all variations from the game notation.
· All symbols - this option will remove all move and evaluation symbols from the game notation.
· Everything except main line - this option will remove all comments, variations and symbols from the
game leaving just the main line of the game.
Promote variation
This menu item allows you to promote the current variation shown in the game notation up one level closer
to the mainline. If the variation was only one level down from the main line then the variation would become
the new main line with the previous mainline becoming a sub-variation.
This menu item allows you to open the Preferences dialog where you can configure HIARCS Chess
View menu
The View menu allows you to view various Explorer panes in the program. Please note the shortcut
keystroke for common operations are also defined on the menu, you can use the keyboard shortcut to
invoke the associated function directly from the keyboard. You can also see shortcut icons for some menu
items on the menu as a guide that there is a shortcut toolbar icon for the option.
Analysis Explorer
This menu item allows you to open the Analysis Explorer pane in the main window. The Analysis Explorer is
used to analyse positions and games.
Opening Explorer
This menu item allows you to open the Opening Explorer pane in the main window. The Opening Explorer is
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