Open ... Open an existing PGN database , you will be given an Open database dialog to select the database to open . The PGN database will then be opened in a new tab .
Open recent
This menu item gives a submenu of recently opened PGN databases , you will see a list of the databases you have recently opened , you can choose one of these and it will be opened in a new tab . The above submenu image is an example .
Export games to a new database , you can either export all games in the current database or only the games in the current filter . An Export games dialog will open so you can set the new database name .
Print the current game or all the games in the filter to the printer . You will see a print options dialog where you can select various parameters including saving the print game ( s ) to a file .
Close Close the current in focus tab . Please note when closing a database tab containing a very large database it takes time to save if changes have been made to that database .
Quit Quit HIARCS Chess Explorer , this will close all currently open tabs . You will be asked to save or discard any modified games . Please note for very large databases which need to be saved it can take some time to save all the databases .
The Edit menu allows you to edit various aspects of the program . Please note the shortcut keystroke for common operations are also defined on the menu , you can use the keyboard shortcut to invoke the associated function directly from the keyboard . You can also see shortcut icons for some menu items on the menu as a guide that there is a shortcut toolbar icon for the option .
Set up position ... This allows you to edit the current position or set up a new position . It opens the Set up position dialog .
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