Manual de HIARCS Chess Explorer 2016 | Page 51

Replay moves in the game from the current position onwards Pause/stop the replay of the game. This is only seen during a game replay. View icons These shortcut icons give you quick access to common operations affecting the presentation or mode of presentation: Play a game against the computer Show the Analysis Explorer pane Show the Opening Explorer pane Show the Preferences dialog Play icons These play game shortcut toolbar icons give you quick access to common operations while playing a game against the computer: Pause the game in progress. Stop the clocks (if present) so you can take a break. Click again to resume. Force the computer to move immediately when the engine is thinking. Take back your last move including the computer response. Replay your last move. If you had previously performed a takeback, this icon will replay both your move and the computer response. If no takeback was performed this icon will replay the computer's last move played. Change sides with the computer. You will be asked to confirm this, as you can imagine you should not do this in a rated game if you want an accura