Manual de HIARCS Chess Explorer 2016 | Page 40

of a tree of chess positions so it can track any game and moves played and present in real-time the move options available and the statistics for those moves from many different sources. The data presented in the Opening Explorer pane can be sorted by any of the column headers, which can help depending on how you wish to look at the data. You can select multiple sources for the Opening Explorer view. You select the source from the Source: selector where you can choose from Database, Filter, Local and Online opening books. With the database source you can perform real-time game filtering. The chess tree is automatically updated in real-time in the database and filter source context as games are added, modified or deleted. In the Database source context you can also set Opening Explorer to automatically update the games filter and game list shown in the Game Explorer pane. This can be a very powerful feature to allow you to only see the games appropriate to the opening you are exploring. With a Filter source context you can have Opening Explorer show only the games of particular players or opponents you might be facing, you can even have Opening Explorer just show moves and statistics from your own games. These approaches allow you to have Opening Explorer give an automatic real-time view of an opening repertoire at any position. Move statistics Opening Explorer showing the move & statistics for the Sicilian Najdorf position using the GM+ online opening book available in the Deep HIARCS Chess Explorer product. Opening Explorer presents the following statistics against each move: · Moves - presented in algebraic notation with move symbols assessing the quality of the moves · Games - the number of games where the move has been played · Score - the percentage score of the move in practice over those games. The % Score is always given from White's perspective so it is easier for you to compare moves irrespective of which side is to play. · Rating - the average Elo rating of the players who played the move · Performance - the average performance Elo rating as a result of playing the move, this takes into account the average Elo rating of the opponents played and the performance of the move. · Year - the last year that the move was played in practice in the source games. · Play% - an assessment of the playability of the move. This only appears on book sources and is context related so for GM books the playability is specific to GMs, whereas in the highly acclaimed HIARCS Tournament book a more narrow assessment of the playability of the absolute best moves is made. 40 / 92