Opening Explorer pane is optional and its presence is toggled using the Book icon.
Analysis Explorer provides access to engine analysis with statistics, history and game
analysis.The Analysis Explorer pane is optional and its presence is toggled using the Computer icon.
Play game mode provides the ability to play chess against the computer.
The height and width of the Game Notation, Opening Explorer and Analysis Explorer panes can be adjusted.
The height of the Game Explorer pane can also be adjusted. The chess board will automatically adjust size
to fit.
Game Board
The Game board displays the current chess position of the game in the Game Notation window. The current
side to play is shown to the right of the board with a white square for white to play and a black square for
black to play, in our example white is to play. The algebraic coordinates around the chess board are
optional, other attributes of the board including the board textures and piece sets can also be set in the
Preferences->Board tab.
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