Manual de Fritz 15 2015 | Page 10

10 Fritz 15 Help The pieces are reset in the initial position and the program is ready to play against you. You can select from a number of different kinds of games: blitz, long (tournament) games, friend mode, etc. In addition there are chess variants like Giveaway (you have to try to lose all your pieces) and Chess 960 Pressing C trl- N will start a new game of the kind you last played. To move a piece, move the mouse onto it, click and hold down the left mouse key and deposit the piece on a new square. You can also click the piece and then the destination square (or first the destination square and then the piece). To castle, move only the king two squares to the left or right. The rook will automatically be moved to its square. If an “en passant” capture is possible you should give the file on which it can be made. When you promote a pawn the program will offer you a choice of pieces. The program only accepts legal moves. If you try to execute a move that does not conform to the rules of chess, the piece will simply jump back to its original square. The program will automatically reply with its own move after a few seconds. To take back a move click the takeback button in the menu bar or below the board You can also use "Undo move" or press Ctrl + <= (Ctrl cursor left) You can offer a draw or resign in the "Game" menu, if the situation is completely hopeless. Help This program is a tough cookie, even for strong grandmasters. You will probably want to use some of the chess help available during the game. You should also try the special Friend mode, in which the program tries to play at exactly your level of skill. © ChessBase 2015