PART 1 • From antikythera to zarkov: a tour of how we came to be here
Both of Babbage's designs, as well as the Antikythera device, were analog (non-digital) computers, specifically ones which were mechanical in
design. There were no electronics involved. Modern computers (as we
think of them) would require another hundred years and a few more inventions (such as the vacuum tube) to become a reality.
Before we get to modern computers, though, we need to make a couple
of quick stops. You've probably heard about the various mechanical
chess marvels of the late 1700's and early 1800's, miraculous “robots”
which could play a game of chess. Quite a few of these made the rounds
over the years, bearing exotic names like “Mephisto” and “The Turk”.
Theories abound as to how these robot chess players actually worked,
but one thing is for sure: they were not computers.
Here's a period engraving showing the famous Turk in action