Manual 1 | Page 7

Most of this packaging waste is largely unnecessary” (Corkum, 2014). Approximately 167 kg of packaging waste was generated per habitant in the EU. This is just an estimate from just one country, imagine that combined with the rest of the world. What’s even more fascinating than the statistics is the fact that a lot of this packaging is completely unnecessary, it’s useless, nonsense waste. Even though many of the waste can actually be saved and reused, from 66.5% to 48.5% of packaging ends up buried in landfills, this is why it’s a problem affecting us now and in a future. Despite reusing and recycling, there’s still a huge amount that wounds up being waste and in the long run ends up being a problem as well.

But, how does trash actually affect the planet? Well, the majority of the waste spreads itself throughout the globe transported by either wind, water or humans. After, it breaks down into smaller pieces or degrades into its chemical components, putting in danger the health of Earth’s animals, people, and ecosystems.