In this Manual you will learn how to create and build an anti-wrinkle facial scrub that is completely cruelty-free and vegan. This product will work like a face lift without the dangerous chemicals, ingredients, and suffering from helpless animals. It’s a product that will not only make people more confident by what it actually does but, it will also teach people to use cosmetics products that are not tested on animals and by that, help the environment.
The outcome of the steps will be a tan-colored scrub that will give your face a natural lift without any chemicals or procedures. It will also work as an anti-aging without any dangerous ingredients on it.
This quick and easy to do mask helps change the environment because it will be part of the very small portion of cosmetics that not only are not tested on animals but vegan. It’s important because there are animals dying all around the world because of products that don’t support these causes. If you enter one of these labs that test on animals, not only will you find dead animals but you might also come across rats with ears growing on their backs, monkeys high on drugs, etc. We hope the packaging you chose is both reusable and recyclable.