Mansfield Today Winter 2023 February 2023 | Page 27


An abundance of snacks , superhero decorations , and notes of affirmation covered every table inside the break room at Phoenix Academy Friday morning . Campus staff were treated for their hard work as part of National Random Acts of Kindness Day . Mansfield ISD celebrated the day districtwide as groups thoughtfully decorated teacher break rooms , shared personal notes of thanks , delivered sweet treats , held parades , donated food and clothing , and more .

“ This is awesome , especially since we don ’ t have a PTA ,” said Eric Kerr , a special education teacher at Phoenix Academy . “ It makes you feel good .”
Treats at Phoenix Academy District Curriculum and Instruction Department coordinators and team members chose to surprise Phoenix Academy because the campus does not have a PTA . The PTA is normally a group that coordinates staff appreciation events at campuses .
“ Everyday life can get you down , and you might be dealing with something at home and then have to come to work ,” said Phoenix Academy police officer Cecil Smith . “ It was a pleasant surprise ; everybody likes treats .”
Amy Senato , science and P . E . curriculum coordinator , says her department regularly finds ways to give back , including clothing and
ABOVE : Charlotte Anderson Preparatory Academy held a parade for the Arlington Police Department during Random Acts of Kindness Day .
BELOW LEFT : Dr . Jandrucko Early Learners Academy students are the I in KIND . BELOW CENTER : Annette Perry Elementary students created positive notes . BELOW RIGHT : Brenda K . Norwood Elementary staff share notes of kindness .
canned goods drive and fundraisers . “ It can help turn a day around . You never know what someone is going through ,” Senato said . “ It helps people feel valued and appreciated .”
Kindness even ties into Mansfield ISD ’ s Vision 2030 strategic plan to ensure students are life ready .
“ It ’ s important that we show our community that kindness matters , and teaching kids how to be kind and connect with the community is a part of being life ready ,” Mendy Gregory , director of social and emotional learning .
At Brenda Norwood Elementary , students decorated cards to hand out this weekend . At Della Icenhower Intermediate , students played kindness BINGO all week by doing a good deed each day . At Charlotte Anderson Preparatory Academy , students and staff held a parade in campus hallways for Arlington Police Department officers .
Joie Burch , Curriculum and Instruction Department
administrative assistant , enjoys coming to work every day and says her department enjoys any reason to celebrate .
“ You ’ re glad to be there , and to be able to pass some of that joy on , it ’ s our way of giving back to Phoenix Academy ,” she said .
Want to see more ways MISD celebrated National Random Acts of Kindness Day ? Search # MISDKindisCool on Twitter , Facebook and Instagram .