MISD District Policy Inspires Positive
Behavior in Students, Teachers
In recent years,
districts across the nation
have been making
policies to ensure that
bullying within schools
is under control. MISD’s
district policies inspired
two students inspired
to create a “treatment
agreement” for their
schoolmates to sign.
At Roberta Tipps
Elementary School, two
second-grade students
wrote a letter to their
principal wanting to
create a schoolwide pact
to treat their peers with
“They took it upon
themselves to generalize
what they’ve been
Second-grade students hold treatment agreement after students have signed it.
learning in their class
to the whole school,”
said Cristina Hernandez,
initiative is a districtwide initiative
principal at Roberta Tipps
that began this year. Its goal is
Elementary. “I couldn’t say no to
to improve social, emotional and
that. That’s a teacher’s dream!
academic outcomes for students.
So, I had them create a poster, I
“We have developed
blew it up for them and we went
schoolwide behavior expectations
around school and had everyone
for all students by using common
sign it.”
vocabulary and expectations,”
This agreement includes four
said Hernandez. “In the hallway,
quadrants which include how
all Junior Jags strive to be
students will treat their teacher,
I couldn’t say no to that.
PAWSome by being respectful,
how teachers will treat their
That’s a teacher’s dream!
responsible and safe by walking
students, how students will treat
on the right hand side of the hall,
each other and how everyone
~ Cristina Hernandez,
with eyes forward and a voice
will treat the materials in the
level zero.”
Roberta Tipps
The staff at Roberta Tipps
“As a class, they agree upon
Elementary wants to teach
expectations and rules for each,”
students the Golden Rule, which
said Hernandez. “Everyone signs
is to treat others how you want to
the agreement, and it is posted in
be treated.
the class and referred to often.”
“We want our students to be
As an incentive, the teachers
caring, empathetic, verbal and
give students they see displaying
positive,” said Hernandez. “We
great behavior a “golden ticket.”
must do our part to teach them
This enters them in a chance to
how to interact and socialize
win prizes such as an extra recess,
appropriately. We must teach
a dance party or other treats.
them to accept all no matter their
The Positive Behavioral
Interventions and Support (PBIS)
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