Students in John Berney ’ s seventh-grade class at Jerry Knight STEM Academy are putting their math skills into practice . Their task : to find the area of the campus ’ collaboration room . This may sound simple enough , but the room is made up of irregular shapes — known in the math world as composite figures — and the solution to the problem doesn ’ t come with a neatly-memorized formula .
With their task in hand , the students divide into groups , pick up measuring tapes and their notebooks , and begin collecting data . Some closely examine the walls , windows and doorways . Others skip the vertical measurements and focus on the size of the floor tiles , then begin counting how many tiles stretch from one side of the room to the other .
“ Not everything is going to be a perfect rectangle ; not everything is going to be a perfect triangle ,” seventh grade STEM advanced accelerated math teacher Berney said . “ We ’ re trying to get them to think outside the box . It ’ s interesting to see their thinking and processing .”
With an irregular space , students have to deconstruct the room into smaller , regular shapes which have formulas that allow them to solve for area . It ’ s geometry , but it goes beyond a typical math class . Students say they like Mr . Berney ’ s hands-on approach .
“ I think it ’ s more enjoyable than just sitting down and doing a basic assignment ,” said Audrey Atkinson .
“ The impression it leaves on you lasts longer ; you can remember the activity ,” said Liam Bray .
The math skills these students are learning in middle school are necessary building blocks to meet the Vision 2030 requirement of demonstrating mastery of Algebra II by the end of eleventh grade . The hands-on focus also prepares them for real-life applications .
“ If you want to buy a house and get some furniture , you have to understand how you ’ re going to put the furniture there – how it ’ s going to work ,” Atkinson said .
Working together as a group also offers intangible lessons which are key to getting along in college and in the work force .
“ It allows for communication , problem solving , and allows them to make decisions as a team as opposed to taking it on your own . More important than the math skill , it ’ s the life-ready skill of teamwork ,” Berney said .
Students must apply to attend the Jerry Knight STEM Academy . Applications open Dec . 19 . Learn more at www . mansfieldisd . org / choice .