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BEAUTY HEALTHY SKIN FOR SPRING Follow Laura Butlin- Policarpo's tips and tricks to achieve healthy spring skin W ith the unpredictable weather winter has brought us this year, it’s been hard to know how to keep our skin looking its best. If you’ve been out and about, the combination of unexpected sunshine and cold winds might have left an impression. And if you’ve worked extra hours at the offi ce, the central heating has probably not done your skin any good. Th ese all act as disrupters; dullness, breakouts, irritation. Th is, in turn, dries your skin out, I believe a lot of skin problems stem from dehydration. However, simply slathering on a thick cream is probably not going to make things any better. To better focus on hydrating and protecting your skin, exfoliation is key. Exfoliating is important, as it will help remove any dead skin cells and prevent build-up from clogging your pores. I’m not encouraging you to use a scrub daily but a mild formula once or twice a week can be a great addition to your skincare routine. On the other hand, if a manual scrub isn’t your thing, a chemical exfoliant is a must. Th ere are so many on the market now with a variety of acid/enzymes and percentages to suit all, just do some research. Now you can focus on hydration. Th e reason simply slathering on a thick cream won’t work is because moisturisers don’t moisturise. I know, bold statement, but hear me out. Th ey lock in the moisture from the previous skincare you’ve applied. Moisturisers are often too thick to penetrate the skin's surface but they are the perfect barrier to prevent moisture evaporating. What should you use? A hydrating serum is a much better option. Look for something packed full of hyaluronic acid. Th e skin naturally produces hyaluronic acid; one gram has the ability to hold up to 6 litres of water, with the added ability to be able to regulate moisture within the cells. You can apply this to damp skin and follow it with an essence or oil for a serious punch. Or top with your regular moisturiser to lock the hydration in. You’ve heard it before but SPF, daily. Protecting your skin from ultraviolet rays isn’t just 88 something you need to remember in the summer months, or when you can feel the sun. Th e damaging UVA and UVB rays are present every day and can cause skin cancer as well as sun damage and aging. Not all sun creams are thick and greasy; there are plenty that you won’t even notice you're wearing. Just be sure to look for a broad spectrum, water-resistant product with a sun protection factor of 15 – 30. And lastly, few of us are guilty of drinking too much water. Drinking enough water every day on a consistent basis is not only important for your skin's health but also for your digestion, circulation, and overall health. You can see quite easily if you need to up your intake. Th e lack of hydration will present itself as dryness, tightness, or your skin may even be slightly fl aky. Hopefully, all these tips and tricks will either reinforce things you already know or will have you adopting a new habit to transform your skin.  The Ordinary Hyaluronic Acid £5.15, Skinceuticals Ultra Facial UV Defense SPF 50 £37, REN Ready Steady Glow Daily AHA Tonic £21.90