Manner Issue 18 | Page 65

From a psycho-emotional-spiritual perspective , how we responded to entering our ' Menarche phase ' - when we first had our period - plays a role in how we feel about our sexuality / femininity . For example , when I first had my period , my attitude was very much to use a tampon and not fuss about it . Basically , what I had then subconsciously believed was that there wasn ' t a place for the feminine aspect of myself . Instead , I suppressed this and focussed on the practical , masculine part of the doing rather than the being . I experienced amenorrhea for ten years - losing my period when I was an athlete and only getting it back to a regular cycle when I started to delve deeper into my healing journey . I was enlightened about how disconnected I was from my feminine side and the ability to feel my emotions and allow them to be expressed .
As a society , we are gaining more awareness of ancestral trauma and how this is passed on down the generations ; the key place this trauma is passed onto is our womb space / sacral chakra . Too many women feel disempowered when it comes to their struggles with periods ; not enough conversation is being had around these things that focus on turning inwards rather than looking outside of yourself for the answers . With this information , I urge you to sit and reflect upon
" We are gaining more awareness of ancestral trauma and how this is passed on down the generations ..."
your relationship with your period , your sexuality , your womb , and your sacral chakra . Give yourself space to self enquire and feel how it feels to place your awareness on your womb space and allow your body to talk to you without any judgement . Maybe you feel completely disconnected from this space . That ' s okay ; the first step is acknowledging and accepting this . Start by just getting a little more in tune with your cycle - witnessing and observing what comes up for you when it comes to your period .
True healing means becoming active in wanting to bring about change . It ' s less about trying to fix and take things away and more about self-enquiry , connecting back into the body and tuning in to its messages whilst bringing about acceptance and compassion . •
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