Manner Issue 17 | Page 57

I now work closely with an oncology-specialised nutritionist , who helps me make tweaks and changes to my already healthy diet . We have focused on hormone regulation and reduction as nourishing my body is crucial for healthy cell division , creating a hostile environment for cancer cells to live and grow . I ' ve had to adopt a more active lifestyle which involves mainly spending quiet alone time walking on our spectacular beaches with my new puppy , Bonnie . This not only helps my mental health and controls those pesky run-away thoughts , but it also helps to minimise the side effects of some of the treatments and medications .
I regularly spend time at Macmillan Jersey , an incredible charity offering cancer patients and their families emotional , practical and social support . Joining a support group on Facebook called " Stage 4 Deserves More Secondary Breast Cancer Support Group UK " has brought me closer to other ladies walking along the same journey as myself . We discuss our side effects , diagnoses , and treatments . We have our 3am chat sessions ( treatments can make sleeping difficult ) and generally support one another with anxiety , worries or fears , but , most importantly , we celebrate good news in a safe environment with people who understand just how momentous these wins are for us .
My latest scan shows shrinkage in my biggest tumour , which is a huge win that I ' ll accept with open arms . I had very little knowledge of cancer before I was diagnosed , but since then , I have been reading and educating as much as I possibly can about my specific cancer . I began by learning what foods and supplements are needed to nourish my body . I am supported and work closely with my brilliant oncologist and incredible breast consultant , who are with me every step of the way as I undergo my monthly blood tests , hormone targeted therapy and regular scans .

My book , " A Healthier Family For Life ", was launched worldwide on December 16th 2021 and has been really well received based on online reviews . However , I don ' t want to lie . I ' ve had many moments where I find myself suffering badly with a form of imposter syndrome , as I ' ve written a book that promotes a healthy lifestyle for life all whilst I was dealing with cancer . It ' s taken time for me to process and overcome these feelings and understand that a cancer diagnosis could potentially happen to any one of us . Looking back now , I don ' t think

my years of learning about health and being in the industry was a waste of my time . I now know that following such a healthy lifestyle made the detection of my cancer that much easier as I had developed a hyper-awareness about my body and immediately knew something was wrong and needed to be checked . A strong , healthy body and immune system keep my cells strong and allow me to lead a normal life ( well , as much as I possibly can ).
Life is all about learning , whether in an academic , emotional or health sense . The main thing I have learnt from my story , and I want to pass on to other people , is that early detection is essential . We have gut instincts for a reason , and we should learn to trust them more when something doesn ' t feel right and getting it checked as soon as possible can make a huge difference . If your doctor says everything is fine , and you know , deep down , that something is wrong , then get another opinion . I didn ' t stop fighting till a doctor heard my cries , and my belief in my gut instinct is what saved my life and allowed me to get the help I knew I deserved ,
I now see life in high definition clarity . My family and friends are everything to me , and I never turn down invitations to spend time with anyone . My new aim is to encourage people to shop as local as possible , buying fruit and vegetables from farm shops or honesty boxes . It ' s almost like adopting a climatarian approach to shopping , sourcing food , developing self-awareness of how your food is packaged , and getting to know ( and thanking ) our local farmers . I ' m already planning a new book sharing my recipes for vegan , vegetarian , and pescatarian diets .
Most importantly , I consider myself to be living healthy with cancer and trust me on this , I am very much following my own advice now and " touching wood ". •
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