e all go through similar
experiences just
different versions of it. Some
of us journal our joys and
“There is no greater agony
than bearing an untold
sorrows while others of us keep them hidden
from the peering eyes of judges and
story inside you.”
critics. Some of us write them down only to
Maya Angelou
squash and trample upon them while others
of us, crumble and burn them.
Still, some of us forcibly repress them into oblivion or so to share our stories. It is through others, from
we think, only to realize that they are just buried deep others coupled with life experiences that we
down in the trenches of our skull until something, learn to cope and deal with whatever life
somewhere, somehow conjures it all up and brings it throws at us.
back to our consciousness.
“Sometimes a person needs a story more than
And yes, others of us journal and share simply because food to stay alive," says author, essayist, and
we realize that our stories no matter how poignant or writer Barry Lopez.
pleasant, are powerful and have the capacity to inspire
and empower, to motivate and elevate, to touch lives So, as we tread through this journey called
and perhaps liberate. LIFE, let us take a little time to listen to
others and to share our stories. For we
Sharing our stories is a win-win for both the story teller believe every story has a lesson and behind
and the audience, it affords us an opportunity to heal, every lesson is a story. May you encourage
teach,learn and grow. This journey of life as we know it someone with yours and may you be
came with no manuals and so we know there is power encouraged by someone else’s.
in sharing, we know that it is vital and beneficial
Everyone has a story;
what’s yours?