We exist to acknowledge, embrace, respect
and celebrate the revolutionary works of our
fellow Manmay LaKay (children from home).
anmay LaKay Magazine is a hub We hope to become the virtual meeting
that seeks to celebrate and platform for St.Lucians all over the world as
connect St.Lucians all over the there is nothing like connecting with similar
world. A hub that also seeks to others and people with whom we can
keep our heritage alive. relate. Our goal at Manmay LaKay is to exude
Manmay LaKay Magazine showcases and positivity, to keep our heritage alive, to impact
celebrates the extraordinary works of our individuals regardless of their cultural heritage
heroes and pioneers with the hopes that their or origin and to raise the visibility of our island
story or journey on this course of life will home Saint Lucia.
inspire and motivate others to follow their
We are an inclusive people and no matter
where you’re from, you are Manmay LaKay!
Manmay LaKay Magazine as evidenced by its
creole name exists to revel in, perpetuate and
Carpe Diem (seize the day)!
preserve our cultural heritage.
Connecting all Lucians globally!
Celebrating the extraordinary
accomplishments of our ordinary folks!
Keeping our heritage alive!