Manmay LaKay Magazine Debut Issue | Page 29
(White Egrets, p.69); yielding to the inevitable, you with a passion more fierce than Antigone’s.!
“Sometimes the hills themselves disappear/ like Yes.
friends, slowly, but I am happier/that they have come
back now, like memory, like prayer.”(White Egrets, p.9)
"some critics think his work is ordinary, but the
ordinary is the miracle.
holy is Rampanalgas and its high-circling hawks, holy
are the rusted, tortured, rust-caked, blind almond Ordinary love and ordinary death, ordinary suffering,
trees… holy the small, almond-leaf-shadowed bridge.. ordinary birth,
and holiest the break of the blue sea below the trees
and the rock that takes blows on its back and is more the ordinary couplets of our breath, ordinary heaven,
rock, and the tireless hoarse anger of the waters by ordinary earth” ( Tiepolo’s Hound, p.155)
which I can walk calm, a renewed, exhausted man,
balanced at its edge by the weight of two dear Brother, rest in that peace, that phantasmal peace,
daughters (Another Life.p.147) “beyond desire and beyond regrets” (White
Egrets,p.6) at which you said you will “arrive
I say, holy is this moment when your son, Peter, whom eventually” after your “shadow passes with all its
you called your “sun” will stand by your coffin, sins/ into a green thicket of oblivion” (p.7). Rest in
balanced at its edge not only by the weight of two that peace and as you rest, may you see “that line
daughters, Lizee and Anna, but now by of light that shines from the other shore” (The
granddaughters, nephews nieces and friends, and Prodigal, p.105) where we shall continue to
that woman Sigrid, the anchor, your tower of celebrate your grandeur. Amen.
strength, who for 37 years has loved and cared for
Copyright©2017 by Patrick Anthony