committed to social justice, solidarity, democracy and peace Friends of Nature are called upon to act FRIENDS OF NATURE CHAMPION A EUROPE that is committed to the balanced pursuit of economic output, social justice and ecological compatibility as well as to an active role in a peaceful, global domestic policy. The achievement of this goal is conditional on the close involvement of the civil society. Friends of Nature wish to take an active part, which is perceived as a collective contribution to de- signing a future-oriented policy of sustainable development. One of the most pressing tasks is to point out the blatant dissonance between knowledge and action: It is a fact, that the prospects of using societal values as the yardstick for ac- tion dwindle, whenever these values have to compete with the neoliberal conceptions of the human race. Friends of Nature wish to overcome this contra- diction in the practical implementation of their activities and projects. Below a few examples: • sustainable development translated into prac- tice in the form of cross-border regional de- velopment fashioned on the ‘Landscape-of- the-Year’ model • Europe-wide projects, such as ‘Prima Klima’, ‘Blue Rivers for Europe’, ‘Natura 2000’, etc. • practising sustainable tourism in compliance with a catalogue of criteria for eco-travel and participating in the air travel offsetting system • greening of more than 1 000 Friends-of-Na- ture houses in Europe • solidarity with partners and Friends-of-Na- ture associations in Africa • education for sustainable development • practising the small steps along the road to an ecological life These and similar activities are designed to set examples and to establish the experience of how to fundamentally change cultures and life styles. Such a sea change is what we expect Europe- an policy makers to effect by putting in place a strategy for sustainable development. We are aware that many people have started out on this road, working their way towards a viable world. We can change the face of the planet, by joining forces with them, with the multitude of groups, initiatives, organisations as well as with trade unions and political parties that support and pursue similar goals. International Friends of Nature 5