A Mighty Tiny Tale
Sita Writer Tiny and petite avatars have taken Second Life® by storm since they were first released in 2005. The generic term “tinies” is actually a brand name that became synonymous with “small” or “tiny” avatars. A tiny is always much smaller in stature than the “normal” avatar that inhabits and roams about Second Life realms. The big question is… what is it that tinies do? Many think the success of tinies is based on the cute factor and that they are a novelty and that the “fad” is fueled by a host of designers creating whimsical avatars, clothing, furniture and sims perfect for these pint-sized marvels. Delving past the surface and into the culture of tinies it seems like they are some of the most fun loving and creative creatures on the grid. As tiny Alicia Underby explains, “Being tiny is all about fun.” Kage Seraph, born 2004, was the first person on Second Life to crack the code, so to speak, of how to make tinies. Although the concept of using animations to fit avatars into unique prim bodies was not new, Seraph was the first to develop a custom animation set that allowed him to make an avatar much smaller than normal and to fit the prims perfectly on it. Seraph was responsible for creating the first tiny that could actually walk, sit, dance and perform a multitude of gestures. Seraph took this concept to a fellow creator, Wynx Whiplash who ran with this tiny concept and went on to create the original Tiny Avatars.