Manchester Magazine Spring 2023 Volume 116 | Issue 1 | Spring 2023 | Page 8

MU | Presidential Transition

F ollowing a comprehensive national search , the Manchester University Board of Trustees on Monday , May 1 unanimously approved the appointment of Stacy Horner ’ 96 Young , Ph . D ., as the 16th president of Manchester University , effective July 1 .

Serving students in higher education for more than 24 years , with a broad array of experiences , Young is president of Montcalm Community College in Sidney , Michigan .
“ I feel like I ’ m being called back home to serve ,” Young said before being introduced to students and employees in North Manchester and Fort Wayne .
“ I never dreamed I would have an opportunity to lead the institution that started my passion for higher education . Manchester truly changed my life ,” Young said .
Learn more about Dr . Young and send her a personal note at Manchester ’ s welcome page . ( https :// www . manchester . edu / about-manchester / leadership / presidential-welcome )
Stacey Horner ’ 96 Young , Ph . D . was introduced as Manchester ’ s 16th president May 1 at events in Fort Wayne and North Manchester .
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