Manchester Magazine Spring 2023 Volume 116 | Issue 1 | Spring 2023 | Page 30


MU | From the Editor
MU | Notes
Manchester has a long tradition of celebrating those who met here , fell in love , got married and built a life together . In this issue of Manchester , we are also celebrating connections that come from shared passions , service , friendship , traditions and community .
Did you form a special connection while at Manchester ? Please share a photo and short description of your Manchester Connection by emailing alumnioffice @ manchester . edu and put “ Manchester Connections ” in the subject line .
Samantha Chapman ’ 12 and Stacy Erickson-Pesetski , Manchester professor of English and associate dean of academic affairs , met in the classroom and bonded through a passion for animal welfare . Erickson- Pesetski , right , was volunteering at Humane Fort Wayne one day in 2022 when Chapman , Indiana state director for the Humane Society of the United States , stopped by with one of the beagles she rescued .
Tiffany Berkebile ’ 10 Numbers and Adrienne Numbers ’ 10 met as firstyear students and instantly became best friends . Adrienne introduced Tiffany to Andrea Numbers ’ 07 , and the rest was history . They loved taking walks , especially by Funderburg Library , and , 10 years later Andrea proposed to Tiffany at their favorite spot . They got married in 2021 in southern California .’
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For more than 40 years , the late Dave Friermood served Manchester University – in charge of setting up for events , as director of maintenance and as a residence hall custodian to name a few of his roles . Along the way he taught generations of his “ boys ” what it means to work hard and serve others . They set up a scholarship in his honor .
The peace studies plaque dedication is a tradition that offers opportunities each year to reconnect with each other and with Manchester . Here , Kay Guyer ’ 13 , spouse Willa Simmet and Kay ’ s mother , Lyn Guyer , attend the 2014 dedication in honor of Ted Studebaker ’ 67 , a pacifist and conscientious objector who served as an agricultural worker during the Vietnam War and was executed by North Vietnam in 1971 .
Michael Peo ’ 00 and Patricia Bonebrake ’ 00 Peo met at Homecoming 1998 through mutual friends . They started talking and
began dating after that . They got married in 2003 and are celebrating their 20th anniversary this June .
Professor of English Beate Gilliar is well-known for maintaining relationships with former students . Seeing this photo of her with Peter Shepherd ’ 18 , we dropped her an email to ask what he ’ s doing these days . Within five minutes we had her reply : “ Peter , the only person ever , for whom I would get up at 4:45 a . m . to catch a train so I can go to Frankfurt Main Station , meet up with and accompany him to the airport by train , again ! That was the only time we could connect when he studied one semester in Germany .” Oh , and he is finishing his Management MBA this spring with a certification in Leadership , Change Management , and Negotiation from Purdue University
Elena Bohlander ’ 14 and Neelix made a connection when he came to Manchester to train as a service dog . Even though he never quite made it through training , Neelix has made his forever home with Elena and Olan Griffiths ’ 13 , who both work at Manchester .