Manchester Magazine Spring 2023 Volume 116 | Issue 1 | Spring 2023 | Page 27

MU | Notes

In Memoriam

CHARLES KLINGER ’ 48 , 96 , professor emeritus of English , died March 22 , 2023 .
Klingler taught English at Manchester for 35 years and served as chair of the department for 15 years .
He graduated from Manchester with teaching credentials in English and mathematics in 1948 . There , he met Susie Stoner ’ 50 Klingler , whom he married a year after graduating .
Klingler served his profession of English by filling , consecutively , the roles of secretary , vice president and president of the Indiana College English Association . In 1969 , he became interested in the work of the
Indiana Civil Liberties Union , serving for a time as secretary of the Fort Wayne chapter and then of the state board of directors .
A lifelong member of the Church of the Brethren , the church ’ s teaching against war influenced Klingler ’ s decision to resign his appointment to West Point during World War II . He enjoyed singing in the church choir and writing religious poems .
Klingler ’ s children and grandchildren admired his wisdom , kindness and generosity . Throughout his life , he was concerned with the well-being of others and made sure his family was cared for and encouraged . As a prolific writer from childhood , he also wrote poetry ; tributes to friends , family and local institutions ; words and music of prayers , hymns and songs sung frequently by his family ; and a journal of remarkable detail for nearly 40 years .
He is survived by his wife ; children David , Robert , Rebecca , Thomas , John and Mark ; and nine grandchildren .
JAN LEA WEST ’ 55 SCHROCK , 86 , daughter of Heifer International founder Dan West , died March 8 , 2023 .
She graduated from Manchester with a degree in elementary education , then taught in Maine .
After that career , Schrock earned a master ’ s in education at American University in Washington , D . C ., founded the Night School for Learning Disabled Adults , and spent a year teaching English in Beijing , China .
Returning to the U . S ., she moved to Elgin , Ill ., to become director of Brethren Volunteer Services . In the early 1990s she worked for the National Council of Churches and earned her Master of Divinity at New York Theological Seminary .
Schrock then turned her focus to Heifer International . As a senior advisor , she led study tours to South America and Asia . For the last 20 years of her life , she lived in Maine and remained dedicated to promoting Heifer ’ s work . Co-author of Give a Goat , she was a recipient of the Manchester Alumni Honor Award .
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