Manchester Magazine Spring 2023 Volume 116 | Issue 1 | Spring 2023 | Page 16

The additional year that these Manchester graduates spend working for the peace studies department is one of transition and discovery .
MU | Peace Studies
For Andrew Duffy ’ 02 , peace studies intern during the 2002-2003 school year , the house was used occasionally for student gatherings , although he did not live there . “ We had a very active program then with a lot of students that were engaged both in their academics and also in various peace campaigns and projects ,” Duffy said . “ One of my primary tasks was to make sure students had access to resources – funds , people , materials , etc . – to pursue their student group goals .”
What makes a position like this so unique is that the coordinator must work with and be responsible for students who have been their peers and friends .
There were , however , a few students she did know who she had to supervise as student workers . “ There was the comfort of the familiarity ,” Rieman said . “ So that definitely worked to our advantage . We already communicated well and liked each other .”
The additional year that these Manchester graduates spend working for the peace studies department is one of transition and discovery . It allows them to support a program dear to them , while also gaining valuable skills and experience in peace-related work and exploring where their career might lead them next . peace studies , broadly speaking ,” Duffy said . “ Thus , I ’ ve never been that far from peace studies .”
Kendall Brown learned a lot about herself and what she is capable of over her past year in this position . “ Being a peace studies coordinator requires a lot of spur-of-themoment thinking and a willingness to adjust plans . This job has shown me that I can be flexible and that , in many situations , being flexible is a necessity . I have also learned how to give myself more grace when something doesn ’ t go right , how to set boundaries , and the importance of community .”
“ It was a bit strange to still be surrounded by people who were in my classes and were my friends but were still students while I was an employee , but I think this is one of the many advantages of the way the position is set up – I already had great relationships with students and knew what I could do to enhance their experience in the program ” Rendler said . “ I loved being a student , and then getting a peek behind the curtain at all the hard work that goes in to giving students a meaningful and impactful college experience .”
For Rieman , who had a two-year gap between her final year as a student and her year working for the program , it wasn ’ t as strange a transition . “ Theoretically , half the student body I would ’ ve overlapped with had graduated , so I don ’ t remember that feeling like an issue .”

The additional year that these Manchester graduates spend working for the peace studies department is one of transition and discovery .

After his year as intern , Duffy completed a master ’ s degree in international politics through the peace studies department at the University of Bradford , and is currently pursuing a Ph . D . in conflict analysis at Nova Southeastern University . He also spent the past semester co-teaching a course on reparations and restorative justice at Manchester with Katy Gray Brown . “ Most of my career has been spent within the field of
Rendler is currently nearing the end of a year abroad doing community programming work in Northern Ireland through Brethren Volunteer Service .
“ My time as peace studies coordinator taught me that I have a passion for working with young people who want to use their skills , privilege , and education to make a difference in the world ,” Rendler said . “ I also now know that when I do find a long-term career , it is crucial that I work in a place with a strong community of thoughtful and kind coworkers . This was one of the best parts about working at Manchester , being a part of a team of people dedicated to giving students the best possible experience .”
PREVIOUS PAGE : Virginia Rendler ’ 20 , Tina Rieman ’ 94 , Kendall Brown ’ 22 ; LEFT : The Peace House , where the coordinator lives each year , and the Gladdys Muir Peace Garden .
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